What I wish I could go back in time to tell myself...

What I wish I could go back in time to tell myself...

If you had a time machine, what would you go back and tell yourself?

I’ve been thinking a whole lot about what I’d go back and tell myself if I had the chance.

As I wrote about before, reflection is a vitally important exercise (and it is a must for anyone truly looking to grow into their potential) because certain wisdom comes only from a hindsight perspective.

Think of how much the world has changed just in the past 12 months. If I could have a conversation with you from 12 months ago, I’ll bet you would affirm that time with family is to be treasured, health is a gift, and the world can change in a moment!

The #1 Most Powerful Principle In Changing the Influence of Leaders

The #1 Most Powerful Principle In Changing the Influence of Leaders

Are you a person who desires to truly help others?

Do you have a passion to add value to those around you -- and especially those who you lead?

Perhaps the greatest benefit you can add to them is to believe in them -- and encourage them into who they are becoming.

Do you want to make 2021 better than 2020?

Do you want to make 2021 better than 2020?

I love all that New Year's Day stands for. New Years Day signals a change in seasons and a fresh start to begin writing the story of your hopes and anticipations for the new year. It allows you to put the past behind you and make a plan for a better tomorrow.

What does a better 2021 look like to you?

10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful

10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful

Last week, I shared an email with you about the importance of looking back on 2020's lessons -- and reflecting upon them. That was step one of a two-step process of planning for a prosperous new year.

Today, I want to share with you step two. This step is all about looking forward with intentionality. In the video below, I'll share with you "10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful."

How to set yourself up for a successful 2021

How to set yourself up for a successful 2021

It has been said, “Until things change IN me, they won’t change FOR me.”

Well, how do things change in you? It is through the process of reflecting, learning, and personal growth.

If you want to best position yourself for a successful 2021, I want to encourage you TODAY to take 30 minutes and initiate this cycle.

Where your focus goes, your energy flows

Where your focus goes, your energy flows

I believe that gratitude is a choice.

It is one that we must make daily. This choice reflects where we will choose to put our focus and energy.

Do we build our lives around that which is worthy of celebration, praise, and, well, the good stuff of life? Or do we choose to focus on the challenges?

Use this free tool to capture the most significant lessons from 2020

Use this free tool to capture the most significant lessons from 2020

This is the time of year when it’s really important to look back on the previous year and take time to capture the most important lessons from your experience in this thing we call life. And I have a tool, a really powerful series of questions I’m providing for you to download at the end of this message but before I get to that, let me touch on the series of posts I created last week.

How will you cultivate your practice of Gratitude?

How will you cultivate your practice of Gratitude?

By now, you understand the importance of gratitude, and you know the multitude of benefits. So, it's time to put your knowledge into practice.

Here are some incredibly powerful talks about gratitude and how to cultivate your very own daily practice. I encourage you to give each method a try!

Become a better person through gratitude

Become a better person through gratitude

"Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency, and you will attract much better things." – Rhonda Byrne

When it comes to the benefits of gratitude, there is no short-supply of evidence. Psychologists have found that over time, feelings of gratitude boost happiness while fostering both physical and psychological health. Those facing mental health issues also benefit from the increase in positive self-talk that can result from a gratitude practice.

The amazing health effects of Gratitude

The amazing health effects of Gratitude

"Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you." – Eileen Caddy

Even though we think of gratitude as an emotional state, it also enhances cognitive functioning and decision-making. Feeling grateful improves functioning in regions of the brain governing social bonds and our ability to read others.

Gratitude turns what you have into enough

Gratitude turns what you have into enough

Ingratitude, defined as a discernible lack of gratitude, can happen for many reasons.

As an emotion, gratitude is so powerful because it generates positivity that both reaches inward and extends outward. For some, the expression and feeling of gratitude come easy. However, for others, the act of practicing gratitude can be a little more difficult. This is because we're all wired differently due to genetics, brain structure, and personality traits. For example, envy, materialism, narcissism, and cynicism can act as barriers to gratitude.

Researchers have found THIS to be the most significant predictor of your success...

Researchers have found THIS to be the most significant predictor of your success...

A few years back, Daniel Goleman sought out to discover what separated average employees from ones who did exceptional work. After surveying 188 companies, he found something quite intriguing.

Aside from technical skill and cognitive ability, there was one other characteristic that exceptional employees possessed.

What will you do with your one and only life?

What will you do with your one and only life?

If I asked you to define your purpose, could you do it?

Let me say this clearly: Your life (and my life) has deep meaning and significance. You have a purpose.

However, many people lack the clarity they need to move toward their purpose, causing missteps, misdirection, confusion, frustration, and a lack of feeling fulfilled in life.

Have you ever felt a lack of fulfillment?

The TRUTH about Self Esteem

The TRUTH about Self Esteem

Did you know that ALL of life is impacted by the way you see yourself?

Your job, friendships, family dynamics, the relationships in your community, and your system of beliefs are ALL are impacted by both your self-image and self-esteem.

Nathaniel Branden says it like this, “No factor is more important in people’s psychological development and motivation than the value judgments they make about themselves. Every aspect of their lives is impacted by the way they see themselves.