A non-negotiable belief that all truly successful people embrace

Hello Friend,

Are you ready? Here is the belief...

Life does not happen TO you. It happens BECAUSE of you.  

This quote comes from Grant Cardone in his outstanding book, The 10X Rule. If you don’t have this book, you need to buy it. The 10x Rule needs to be in your library. Get it. Read it. Listen to it. Chapter 6 (Assume Control for Everything) is worth the entire book.


Do you believe that you are the cause of all your effects? Are you living on the cause side of life, or are you living on the effect side of life as a victim of your circumstances? The latter is a firmly held belief in our world these days, but it is NOT the mindset of any truly successful person. Successful people hate the blame game.

This mindset may be a bitter pill for you to swallow, given some of the circumstances you might be facing. You may not be particularly excited about some of the results you’ve been getting…

  • From your sales efforts

  • In your business

  • In your marriage

  • From your team.

  • _______________ (you fill in the blank).

But if you intend to live a life that is full and free and purposeful and abundant, you must fully embrace this truth.

You might even say, “Hold on, Bill. I can’t entirely agree. I’ve endured some deeply painful experiences that I didn’t ask for or deserve. It was totally beyond my control, and I am still dealing with the effects of it."

Listen, friend. If that is you, I'm sorry. I really am. But even in circumstances like this, you still have a choice. You still get to choose how you will respond, how you will move forward. And the truth is you can allow painful circumstances to crush you or you can leverage them as great opportunities to grow in grace, resilience, and wisdom. 

You and I always have a choice in our circumstances with how we will respond.

When you embrace the truth that (as Henry Cloud puts it), you are REDICULOUSLY (I know it’s spelled ridiculously, but I wrote it that way for effect) in charge of your life, you take back the reins of your life. You are assuming control. You are truly free and living in an empowered way. And in doing this, you build a lasting and positive legacy that will impact many people. 

It's not what happens to you, but what happens in you that matters. 

You are on the path to real success.

I hope this helps.

Bill Cox

Bill is a credentialed and experienced Executive Coach. He has spent the last 20 years coaching thousands of leaders. Bill has a passion for helping leaders get to the next level and live intentional lives of influence. As a speaker, coach, and author, Bill places exceptional value on empowering leaders to thrive professionally and personally. Bill and his wife, Moey, reside in Pennsylvania, where they experience exceeding pleasure watching their son, Joel, grow into a modern-day knight.