how to connect

Help! I want my team to trust one another, but I don’t know where to start? 😳

Help! I want my team to trust one another, but I don’t know where to start? 😳

Have you ever been a part of a team that lacked trust or failed to connect?  


For various reasons, some teams never connect and develop the trust necessary to build a positive and engaging work environment. 


However, some teams are fortunate enough to develop trust -- and the benefits of being on a trusting and connected team are tremendous. 

The key to high performance (and less stress) 🔑

The key to high performance (and less stress) 🔑

Do you remember a time when you walked through a really difficult situation? 


Can you recall what helped to make it better? Or rather, WHO helped to make it better?


If you’ve been alive for any length of time, you understand the importance of building relationships and having friends. Our need for interconnectedness is no secret. 


Part of why I love the work of psychologist and author Dr. Henry Cloud is that he combines the latest in brain research with his work in psychology. And the newest brain research confirms that we require connections with other human beings to function correctly. Said in another way, to function optimally, we need people to connect with.  

Effective communication is built upon this...

Effective communication is built upon this...

George Bernard Shaw is famous for saying, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has actually occurred.”

Every day, there are streams of communication flowing from you and to you. Have you stopped to consider what you are saying -- and how you are saying it?

You MUST Avoid this Pitfall When Communicating

You MUST Avoid this Pitfall When Communicating

Do you struggle to feel heard when communicating? Is it difficult to get your point across in a discussion?

These feelings are more common than you think. You are not alone.

So often in communication, we pay attention to what we’re saying, how we’re saying it, and what we want to say as we’re dialoguing -- with the focus being totally on us.