boundaries for leaders

THIS is shaping your life (...and you may not even realize it...) 🤔

THIS is shaping your life (...and you may not even realize it...) 🤔

Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts.


What a powerful, true statement. 


Why is it true?  


It's true because what you think about shapes what you do, and what you do shapes who you become -- and ultimately steers your life.

The key to high performance (and less stress) 🔑

The key to high performance (and less stress) 🔑

Do you remember a time when you walked through a really difficult situation? 


Can you recall what helped to make it better? Or rather, WHO helped to make it better?


If you’ve been alive for any length of time, you understand the importance of building relationships and having friends. Our need for interconnectedness is no secret. 


Part of why I love the work of psychologist and author Dr. Henry Cloud is that he combines the latest in brain research with his work in psychology. And the newest brain research confirms that we require connections with other human beings to function correctly. Said in another way, to function optimally, we need people to connect with.  

The Toxic Effects of Stress at Work 😵‍💫

The Toxic Effects of Stress at Work 😵‍💫

How stressful is your workplace? How stressed out are you -- especially at work?

Research from the American Institute of Stress cites the following statistics:

  • Stress causes 57% of US respondents to feel paralyzed.

  • 63% of US workers are ready to quit their job to avoid work-related stress.

  • Chronic stress is commonplace at work with 94% of workers reporting feeling stress at work.

Those statistics are alarming -- especially given the effects of stress in the workplace.

Do These 3 Things If You Want to be Productive and Thrive

Do These 3 Things If You Want to be Productive and Thrive

Why is it essential for you to create boundaries?

What is the benefit of considering what you create and allow within your organization, home, and relationships?

The answer is simple -- your boundaries create the conditions for yourself (and those around you) to thrive.

As Dr. Henry Cloud says, “a leader’s boundaries…actually make it possible for people’s brains to function as they were designed.”

The ONE Person Who is Ridiculously in Charge ✔

The ONE Person Who is Ridiculously in Charge ✔

Leader, who holds the true power to make a change within your organization?

Who determines your corporate culture, enables employees to thrive, and puts limits on toxicity?

Who empowers teams to unify while eliminating the practices and behaviors which impede their cohesiveness?

Can you guess?

You will leave a legacy. The question is, what will it be? ⏳

You will leave a legacy. The question is, what will it be? ⏳

When did you last consider the legacy you're leaving?

If you've followed me for a while, you know that we talk a lot about legacy in our business. Indeed, the idea of legacy is foundational to everything we do.

At our core, we exist to inspire and equip GREAT people to live a legacy so they can leave a legacy and show the way to the next generation.

We believe that legacy is a big deal because legacy is something that you're constantly creating through how you live your life -- and through how you treat the people around you.

Your legacy is the mark you leave on others and on this world. And that's a pretty big deal.