Today's thoughts influence tomorrow's outcomes 💭
Today's thoughts influence tomorrow's outcomes.
Recently, I listened to an interview with author Ryan Holiday. During the interview, Ryan talked about two particular phrases that were incredibly meaningful to him – so much so that he tattooed them on his arm.
His tattoos read “The Obstacle Is The Way” and “Ego Is The Enemy.”
Interestingly enough, he had these tattoos BEFORE they became the titles of two of his best-selling books.
What if I told you that YOU can do the impossible?
What if you were just a few steps away from doing the impossible?
Sure, it may not feel like it from where you're at right now, but imagine with me...
No matter how average, boring, and predictable life may feel, you may be just a few steps away from doing the impossible.
And, doing the impossible begins with seizing the moment right before you.
How important is setting aside time just to think?
How important is setting aside time just to think?
Well, did you know...
Warren Buffet, CEO of the 4th largest company in the country, has spent 80% of his career reading and thinking…
The #1 Issue Leaders Struggle With
Are you limited or empowered by your mindset?
What do you think of when you hear the word mindset?
Our mindsets shape our perspectives, guide our decisions, and greatly affect how we live our lives.
The dictionary definition of mindset is, “a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.”