growth mindset

Why goal setting isn't enough ☑

Why goal setting isn't enough ☑

Imagine with me…


It's the end of the year, and you just placed a checkmark next to your final goal. 


Your numbers look great, you're down to your ideal weight, you've finished the project, graduated, or maybe you finally got that promotion you've been aiming for.  


Whatever the goal, you achieved it. 


Now tell me, how do you feel?  

This Is YOUR Season. 👋

This Is YOUR Season. 👋

Winter is fading, and spring is fast approaching. It’s almost time to swap the snow blowers for lawn mowers – and snow shovels for garden shovels. I love this time of year. 


Observing the change in seasons reminds me of how growth happens – through the function of seasons.


In winter, you plan. 

In spring, you plant. 

In summer, you cultivate. 

And in fall, you harvest.


You can’t reap a harvest without properly leveraging the seasons that come before. 

Feeling stuck stinks. Here’s one way to get unstuck…

Feeling stuck stinks. Here’s one way to get unstuck…

Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever been locked in a dull rhythm or circumstance where you couldn’t find your way out? 


I know I have.  


I remember going through a season where I knew I needed a change but didn’t know what that change was. I remember feeling like I was going through the motions daily while slowly dying on the inside. That season was painful – and one that I won’t ever forget.


I’ve said it before – stuck stinks. So if you’re feeling stuck today, I empathize with you. 

What if I told you that YOU can do the impossible?

What if I told you that YOU can do the impossible?

What if you were just a few steps away from doing the impossible?

Sure, it may not feel like it from where you're at right now, but imagine with me...

No matter how average, boring, and predictable life may feel, you may be just a few steps away from doing the impossible.

And, doing the impossible begins with seizing the moment right before you.

Two words that keep you from reaching your potential

Two words that keep you from reaching your potential

Why do so many people fall short of reaching their full potential?

What makes the stretch and struggle to achieve the level of success that you desire to reach so difficult?

I've coached hundreds of people and there are several reasons, chief among them centers around the way you see yourself.

Surprising statistics about reading and stress 📚

Surprising statistics about reading and stress 📚

You have probably heard it said; leaders are readers. I agree. Leaders are readers. If you are a leader and don't particularly like to read, let me tell you why this needs to change.

Recently, I came across an article that described the benefits of reading (based upon statistical studies) and was blown away by the impact that reading can have on a person. Here are a few highlights of the benefits of reading.

The biggest mistake I DIDN'T make. 😲

The biggest mistake I DIDN'T make. 😲

Before launching my business several years ago, I wondered if I had what it takes to build a business. I don't have a business degree -- and I didn't have a surplus of money to make mistakes with.

At times, I questioned my abilities, doubted my capabilities, and wondered if I could build a business that would be profitable -- and one that I would be proud to lead.

Deep down, I had faith that this is what I was supposed to do -- and at times (in particularly rough seasons), it was this faith that I relied on to keep me building an organization that now I am very proud of…

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” -John Maxwell

When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone?

I stepped outside of my comfort zone by hosting my first ever webinar yesterday. And you know what? Every time I make a decision to push myself outside my comfort zone to grow, I ALWAYS come away from those experiences so grateful that I stretched myself!

Do you want to make 2021 better than 2020?

Do you want to make 2021 better than 2020?

I love all that New Year's Day stands for. New Years Day signals a change in seasons and a fresh start to begin writing the story of your hopes and anticipations for the new year. It allows you to put the past behind you and make a plan for a better tomorrow.

What does a better 2021 look like to you?

Are you limited or empowered by your mindset?

Are you limited or empowered by your mindset?

What do you think of when you hear the word mindset?

Our mindsets shape our perspectives, guide our decisions, and greatly affect how we live our lives.

The dictionary definition of mindset is, “a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.”