Why do so many people fall short of reaching their full potential?
What makes the stretch and struggle to achieve the level of success that you desire to reach so difficult?
I've coached hundreds of people and there are several reasons, chief among them centers around the way you see yourself. Of course, I'm talking about your self-esteem -- the value judgments you make about yourself and the beliefs you hold of yourself.
Personal development starts here because you won't add value to yourself if you don't see value in yourself.
Dennis Waitley argues that "Personal development is the belief that you are worth the effort, time, and energy needed to develop yourself."
Do you feel you are worthy of development?
Are you worth the time, effort, and energy it takes to take a step forward into who you'd like to be?
Do you believe that your dreams and goals are possible?
Are you enough?
How you answer these questions is more important than you think.