set goals

Why goal setting isn't enough ☑

Why goal setting isn't enough ☑

Imagine with me…


It's the end of the year, and you just placed a checkmark next to your final goal. 


Your numbers look great, you're down to your ideal weight, you've finished the project, graduated, or maybe you finally got that promotion you've been aiming for.  


Whatever the goal, you achieved it. 


Now tell me, how do you feel?  

Give Your Goals a Fighting Chance 👊

Give Your Goals a Fighting Chance 👊

Do you always achieve your goals?


Is it challenging to keep your momentum going when trying to get to the next level?


Chances are, if you've ever set a goal or tried to develop a new habit, you've experienced the frustration of slow progress or even failure.



Fact: What gets measured gets improved

Fact: What gets measured gets improved

Did you know that 60% of people make New Year's resolutions, but only 8% achieve them?

Ouch! I know you're not shocked by this, but most people who set New Year's resolutions don't achieve them. It seems so futile that most of the leaders I talk to have given up entirely on even making them. That's unfortunate because, if you're like me, you can quickly identify areas in your life where you genuinely want to experience real positive change.