
10 Questions for Positive Self-Reflection 💬

10 Questions for Positive Self-Reflection 💬

At this time of the year, it's natural to step back and reflect. As you recount the old year and begin counting down to the new year, questions like this naturally arise:

  • How are things different than they were a year ago?

  • Am I becoming more of who I want to be?

  • Is there an area of my life that I am still struggling with?

You may be thinking through some of these questions today.

And it's so easy when your self-reflecting to go negative – especially when the year hasn't gone as planned.

Do you work in an environment of grace?

Do you work in an environment of grace?

Do you work in an environment of grace?

  • Are your co-workers for you? Are you for them?

  • Do they have your best interest in mind? Do you have theirs?

  • Do you show them grace? Do they offer you grace?

There is no environment quite like an environment of grace. In grace, you're free to try new things, to try again, fail, explore, learn, and grow. You can just be you. The freedom you feel in a grace-based environment is unparalleled – but like all freedoms, they aren't free.

An environment of grace comes at the cost of vulnerability. And for many leaders, that price is too steep to pay.

The one thing GREAT leaders don't forget!

The one thing GREAT leaders don't forget!

In his Boundaries for Leaders book, Dr. Henry Cloud makes this statement, “As a leadership coach, one of the questions I always ask myself is, 'Does this leader lead in a way that is compatible with humans?'”

Every time I read this question, I laugh at how simple, yet profound it is.

In the whirlwind leadership, it’s easy for leaders to forget that they are leading fellow people -- human beings with hopes and dreams, griefs and struggles.

What makes a good leader? 👂

What makes a good leader? 👂

Most people agree -- the top trait that effective leaders share is effective listening!

Why is this? It is because leaders lead people. And to lead people, you need to be able to move them from A to B -- from where they are to where they need to go. So how do we do this? We lead people by effectively communicating with them.

Well, what makes up effective communication?

The #1 Most Powerful Principle In Changing the Influence of Leaders

The #1 Most Powerful Principle In Changing the Influence of Leaders

Are you a person who desires to truly help others?

Do you have a passion to add value to those around you -- and especially those who you lead?

Perhaps the greatest benefit you can add to them is to believe in them -- and encourage them into who they are becoming.

Would you change the world if you could?

Would you change the world if you could?

Would you change your world if you could? This is NOT a rhetorical question. Would you opt-in if a roadmap were provided to you along with access to key resources? Would you commit because you love your family passionately, believe this world can be better, and you hope to one day leave this world a better place than you found it?

Did you hear? Live2Lead 2020 will be VIRTUAL!

Did you hear?  Live2Lead 2020 will be VIRTUAL!

It’s no secret that we’ve all had to shift and pivot over the last 6 months. Some pivots have yielded great returns and ideas, and one of these pivots I’m writing about today.

With the lack of in-person events, the need for virtual events was created. Because of this, we’ve pivoted to offer the Live2Lead conference virtually this year! We are more excited than ever to have the ability to bring Live2Lead to wherever you are. No limitations on travel, time-off, schedule conflicts- the potential is endless!

We want you to know just how incredible our sessions are going to be this year. We have 5 world-class leaders that will emphasize “The Call of Leadership”. The speakers will lean into takeaways on how we can go change the world, not single-handedly, but together.

Applying this one simple strategy will transform your relationships and increase your influence ☝

Applying this one simple strategy will transform your relationships and increase your influence ☝

How often have you thought of leadership as serving others?  Many people I know and work with automatically associate leadership with power, position, and titles.  They think of leaders as the people who give out the orders and are typically the ones BEING served rather than the ones who are doing the serving.
But great leaders, the best leaders - and people of true influence, see themselves as servants of those they have been privileged to lead first and foremost.

Are you limited or empowered by your mindset?

Are you limited or empowered by your mindset?

What do you think of when you hear the word mindset?

Our mindsets shape our perspectives, guide our decisions, and greatly affect how we live our lives.

The dictionary definition of mindset is, “a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.”

How to uncover potentially destructive leadership blind spots 😳

How to uncover potentially destructive leadership blind spots 😳

Do you ask questions like this:

  • “Am I a good leader?” 

  • “What am I doing or not doing that might be limiting my effectiveness as a leader?”

  • “Does my team feel good about how they are being led?”

These are legitimate questions that every leader asks at one point in time. Those who seek to get better as a leader probably ask them often.  

Something that every leader has that can be really dangerous...

I can empathize when I hear people say things like...

  • “Now that I have received this promotion, how am I going to be able to meet the new demands placed on me?”

  • “If my team doesn’t come through on this assignment, I may lose my job.  How can I lead my team better so this doesn’t happen?”

  • “Can I really meet the sales goals this quarter?  The last two quarters have been brutal.”

  • “Will I ever get promoted?”

These are real concerns that keep real people like you and I up at night.