dr henry cloud

THIS is shaping your life (...and you may not even realize it...) 🤔

THIS is shaping your life (...and you may not even realize it...) 🤔

Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts.


What a powerful, true statement. 


Why is it true?  


It's true because what you think about shapes what you do, and what you do shapes who you become -- and ultimately steers your life.

The Toxic Effects of Stress at Work 😵‍💫

The Toxic Effects of Stress at Work 😵‍💫

How stressful is your workplace? How stressed out are you -- especially at work?

Research from the American Institute of Stress cites the following statistics:

  • Stress causes 57% of US respondents to feel paralyzed.

  • 63% of US workers are ready to quit their job to avoid work-related stress.

  • Chronic stress is commonplace at work with 94% of workers reporting feeling stress at work.

Those statistics are alarming -- especially given the effects of stress in the workplace.

10 Questions for Positive Self-Reflection 💬

10 Questions for Positive Self-Reflection 💬

At this time of the year, it's natural to step back and reflect. As you recount the old year and begin counting down to the new year, questions like this naturally arise:

  • How are things different than they were a year ago?

  • Am I becoming more of who I want to be?

  • Is there an area of my life that I am still struggling with?

You may be thinking through some of these questions today.

And it's so easy when your self-reflecting to go negative – especially when the year hasn't gone as planned.

Do These 3 Things If You Want to be Productive and Thrive

Do These 3 Things If You Want to be Productive and Thrive

Why is it essential for you to create boundaries?

What is the benefit of considering what you create and allow within your organization, home, and relationships?

The answer is simple -- your boundaries create the conditions for yourself (and those around you) to thrive.

As Dr. Henry Cloud says, “a leader’s boundaries…actually make it possible for people’s brains to function as they were designed.”