
Four simple ways to reduce distraction and increase productivity

Four simple ways to reduce distraction and increase productivity

On a scale of 1-5, how well do you get (and stay) focused at work?

To what degree do you find it difficult to stay mentally focused on any one task for extended periods of time?  When was the last time you can point to that you were able to “get in the zone” and be truly productive for an extended period of time?  You know.  Those moments when you look up at the clock after working on a project for a while and say to yourself, “Wow!  I can’t believe it.  Two hours have gone by and feels like five minutes.”

As I began my morning scripture reading, affirmations, and reflection the other day, I realized how challenged I am.  I literally had to reread one particular passage 5-7 times before I could truly focus on the message.  I’ll bet you can relate.

Thoughts of what I needed to do, appointments I anticipated, and responsibilities I needed to take care of kept me bombarding my mind.  It felt like I was experiencing the phenomena that author John Ortberg describes as “the monkeys are jumping around in the trees”.  Ha!  You know what I’m saying?  And that was BEFORE I started my workday.

It’s no secret that we are growing increasingly distracted with the rise of social media, the always-on mentality of email and cell phone communication, and the hurried paces of our lives. 

But do we stop to consider the actual cost of distraction and how to protect ourselves against it?  

The most important moments of your morning

The most important moments of your morning

It's 5 AM, and you hear your alarm going off -- what do you do?  

Do you hit the snooze button a few times or begin your morning routine? 

I know what you're thinking…" Bill, 5 AM is really early!"  

Yes, it is, especially on a Friday! But hear this - the time you wake up isn't necessarily important -- but waking up early enough to have a few quiet, intentional moments to start your day before being interrupted is. 

Why is this important? 

Well, having a solid morning routine can set you up for a wildly productive day -- and not having one can set you back.  

Your to-do list: good for more than just productivity… ☑️

Your to-do list: good for more than just productivity… ☑️

In Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek says,

"Whether acting alone or in concert, in small doses or large, anytime we feel any sense of happiness or joy, odds are it is because one or more of these chemicals is coursing through our veins." 


So in the quest for happiness, you must ask yourself, how can I create an environment to release these chemicals? 


Let's talk more about that today – and specifically dopamine. 

How to Become a Leader Who Lasts

How to Become a Leader Who Lasts

Generally speaking, how do you feel at the end of the day? 

Do you feel overwhelmed and overworked – overcommitted and overtired? 

Do the pressures of work, family, friendships, and commitments leave you drained? Are you completely exhausted?

If that sounds like you, let me ask a follow-up question: "How good are you at creating margins?" 

Do These 3 Things If You Want to be Productive and Thrive

Do These 3 Things If You Want to be Productive and Thrive

Why is it essential for you to create boundaries?

What is the benefit of considering what you create and allow within your organization, home, and relationships?

The answer is simple -- your boundaries create the conditions for yourself (and those around you) to thrive.

As Dr. Henry Cloud says, “a leader’s boundaries…actually make it possible for people’s brains to function as they were designed.”

What is procrastination keeping you from accomplishing?

What is procrastination keeping you from accomplishing?

Do you know what all successful people have in common?

They are decisive.

They trust their intuition and do what they need to do when they need to do it.

If procrastination is holding you back from becoming more decisive (and subsequently more successful), then don't think about it any longer. Click the button at the bottom of the blog and sign up for our Eliminating Procrastination course.

The reason why songs often get stuck in your head…

The reason why songs often get stuck in your head…

Have you ever wondered why the most annoying songs get stuck in your head?

Or why do unfinished tasks circle and circle in your mind causing stress?

Or, how about -- why, when you hear the notes for "Shave and a haircut," -- do you instantly want to sing "two bits"?

Would you believe it if I told you these questions all had the same answer? I'll give it to you in a second -- but first, let me tell you why this matters.

No more excuses...

No more excuses...

Do you know what all successful people have in common? They are decisive. They trust their intuition and do what they need to do when they need to do it.

If your intuition tells you that you need to join us for our Eliminating Procrastination webinar, then don't think about it any longer. Just click the button at the bottom of the email and commit.

Is your TO-DO list growing?

Is your TO-DO list growing?

Is your to-do list growing?

  • Are you overwhelmed with all of the balls you are trying to juggle?

  • Are you struggling to keep a balance between what needs to be done in your home-life and work-life?

  • Do you feel stuck and frustrated by a to-do list that never stops growing

You are not alone.

Many of the leaders I coach and interact with feel just like you feel. Many people feel this way for good reasons -- a drive to achieve and a desire for excellence.

Immobilize workplace distraction with these 3 hacks

Immobilize workplace distraction with these 3 hacks

Nearby conversations, background noise, pop-up notifications, and even email alerts are enough to drive anyone crazy at times!

Although many of these are necessary, you CAN effectively manage them to help boost your productivity. There are MANY more distractions that you and I face daily, and we could talk at length about any one of them.

3 Simple Steps to Reengineer Unhealthy Habits

3 Simple Steps to Reengineer Unhealthy Habits

Do you have a habit that you'd love to break? Is there some nagging, negative tendency that is harming your life, relationships, or career?

Your habits will either set you up for success or set you back in pursuit of your goals.

Even though ingrained bad habits can be one of the most challenging vices to overcome, true and lasting change is possible.

3 Technology Hacks to Help You Surge in Productivity 🕘

3 Technology Hacks to Help You Surge in Productivity 🕘

A few weeks back, we started talking about the four key environments that you can optimize to increase productivity.

Today, we're concentrating on the third environment -- the technology environment. Your technology has incredible potential to be either a time-saver or a time-sucker. How you leverage it will make all the difference.

One simple hack to help determine your priorities

One simple hack to help determine your priorities

The world is full of things to do -- but how do you know what's best to do?

The answer lies in the word priorities. Our priorities should determine how we spend our time.

A great leader understands and works toward their priorities.

A great leader knows that he or she can do anything, but shouldn't do everything.

Are you living according to your priorities?