
Your to-do list: good for more than just productivity… ☑️

Your to-do list: good for more than just productivity… ☑️

In Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek says,

"Whether acting alone or in concert, in small doses or large, anytime we feel any sense of happiness or joy, odds are it is because one or more of these chemicals is coursing through our veins." 


So in the quest for happiness, you must ask yourself, how can I create an environment to release these chemicals? 


Let's talk more about that today – and specifically dopamine. 

Why YOU need a good laugh today 😂

Why YOU need a good laugh today 😂

What causes happiness?


  • Do you need to go somewhere to find it?

  • Is it a dollar amount at the end of a bank statement?

  • Is happiness an achievement?  

  • Is it found in a new (or restored) relationship?

  • Is happiness found in time away, time alone, or time with a loved one? 

Any of these experiences or places can lead to a happy feeling – which we often crave. But happiness isn't any of those things – but rather a response to what is happening in your biologically when you experience examples like the ones above.