
How to motivate an unmotivated person

How to motivate an unmotivated person

Is there someone in your workplace who isn’t pulling their weight?

Or how about at home? 

Do you know a couch surfer – or someone who’d rather operate the remote than the dishwasher?  

Let’s face it – we’ve all known an unmotivated person at one time or another – and if we’re honest, we’ve all probably felt unmotivated at one point in our life. 

So whether you are feeling unmotivated at this moment – or are looking to motivate someone who seems unmotivated, the question becomes – how do you motivate an unmotivated person?   

Why YOU need a good laugh today 😂

Why YOU need a good laugh today 😂

What causes happiness?


  • Do you need to go somewhere to find it?

  • Is it a dollar amount at the end of a bank statement?

  • Is happiness an achievement?  

  • Is it found in a new (or restored) relationship?

  • Is happiness found in time away, time alone, or time with a loved one? 

Any of these experiences or places can lead to a happy feeling – which we often crave. But happiness isn't any of those things – but rather a response to what is happening in your biologically when you experience examples like the ones above. 

Why you should choose value over success 🎯

Why you should choose value over success 🎯

How would you define success?

Does success come after gaining a particular title, level of education, entrance into a certain tax bracket, or having a certain number of staff people underneath you?

Or perhaps does success rest on a certain number of followers, a certified social media profile, or a viral number of views, likes, or plays?

The one thing that 99% of “failures” and “successful” people have in common...

The one thing that 99% of “failures” and “successful” people have in common...

Have you had a good week? Does life feel extra challenging lately?

You are not alone -- especially if you are trying to work hard, juggle your career and home life, invest in your personal growth, serve those around you, and live a life that makes a positive impact within your sphere of influence.

Doing the right thing (and making positive change) is hard work. And hard work is just that -- it's HARD.

What happens when life gets hard?

3 Technology Hacks to Help You Surge in Productivity 🕘

3 Technology Hacks to Help You Surge in Productivity 🕘

A few weeks back, we started talking about the four key environments that you can optimize to increase productivity.

Today, we're concentrating on the third environment -- the technology environment. Your technology has incredible potential to be either a time-saver or a time-sucker. How you leverage it will make all the difference.

How to flip the script on your fear

How to flip the script on your fear

Fear -- we all struggle with it.

I've struggled with fear for the majority of my life.

Here's what I've learned about fear--

  • Fear can propel you forward -- or keep you stuck.

  • Fear can motivate you into bold action -- or it can cause you to shrink back and miss the moment.

One of my favorite quotes from all time comes from Teddy Roosevelt's speech, "Citizenship in a Republic." In it, he profoundly states the opportunity fear provides to dare greatly. Here's what Mr. Roosevelt says...

One simple hack to help determine your priorities

One simple hack to help determine your priorities

The world is full of things to do -- but how do you know what's best to do?

The answer lies in the word priorities. Our priorities should determine how we spend our time.

A great leader understands and works toward their priorities.

A great leader knows that he or she can do anything, but shouldn't do everything.

Are you living according to your priorities?

Living for a Purpose Beyond Yourself

Living for a Purpose Beyond Yourself

According to the most updated version of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,” one of your fundamental needs is for transcendence. Did you know this?

You have the inherent need to live for a purpose beyond yourself.

Not only is it A NEED, but it is also your HIGHEST NEED!

10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful

10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful

Last week, I shared an email with you about the importance of looking back on 2020's lessons -- and reflecting upon them. That was step one of a two-step process of planning for a prosperous new year.

Today, I want to share with you step two. This step is all about looking forward with intentionality. In the video below, I'll share with you "10 Questions to Make the New Year Wildly Successful."

Researchers have found THIS to be the most significant predictor of your success...

Researchers have found THIS to be the most significant predictor of your success...

A few years back, Daniel Goleman sought out to discover what separated average employees from ones who did exceptional work. After surveying 188 companies, he found something quite intriguing.

Aside from technical skill and cognitive ability, there was one other characteristic that exceptional employees possessed.

Tell me about these and I can tell you what your future looks like...

Tell me about these and I can tell you what your future looks like...

I'm talking about your habits. And specifically, where are your habits taking you?

In his classic book, As A Man Thinketh, James Allen once wrote, "The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny."

If that is true, then your habits are telling the story of your future.

Powerful strategies to actually get out of bed at 5AM (Part 2)

Powerful strategies to actually get out of bed at 5AM (Part 2)

Just last week I conducted a poll on Facebook and LinkedIn to find out what time people get up in the morning and got a huge response. I could tell I hit a nerve.

But how many of us make strategies around this subject? 

I’ve learned that if I really want to succeed at what’s most important in life, I have to develop strategies.