servant leadership

How Love Helps Us Forgive and Let Go 🎈

How Love Helps Us Forgive and Let Go 🎈

Do you remember the Semisonic song lyrics from a few years ago -- “Closing time, every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”

It’s true.

Every ending is also a new beginning.

We celebrated an ending this past week on the Level Up Your Legacy Podcast as we recorded some final thoughts on the book we’ve been studying all year -- Ryan Holiday’s “Ego Is The Enemy.”

The Greatest Asset in a Leader's Toolbox

The Greatest Asset in a Leader's Toolbox

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for someone else." ~Benjamin Franklin

These are wise words from a founding father of our nation.

Franklin understood that we find meaning and purpose through serving others.

Service is one of the greatest, most dignifying gifts you can give another human being. Through service, you silently convey that you care for them, that they matter to you, and that you desire to improve their life.

Do you work in an environment of grace?

Do you work in an environment of grace?

Do you work in an environment of grace?

  • Are your co-workers for you? Are you for them?

  • Do they have your best interest in mind? Do you have theirs?

  • Do you show them grace? Do they offer you grace?

There is no environment quite like an environment of grace. In grace, you're free to try new things, to try again, fail, explore, learn, and grow. You can just be you. The freedom you feel in a grace-based environment is unparalleled – but like all freedoms, they aren't free.

An environment of grace comes at the cost of vulnerability. And for many leaders, that price is too steep to pay.

Living for a Purpose Beyond Yourself

Living for a Purpose Beyond Yourself

According to the most updated version of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,” one of your fundamental needs is for transcendence. Did you know this?

You have the inherent need to live for a purpose beyond yourself.

Not only is it A NEED, but it is also your HIGHEST NEED!

Applying this one simple strategy will transform your relationships and increase your influence ☝

Applying this one simple strategy will transform your relationships and increase your influence ☝

How often have you thought of leadership as serving others?  Many people I know and work with automatically associate leadership with power, position, and titles.  They think of leaders as the people who give out the orders and are typically the ones BEING served rather than the ones who are doing the serving.
But great leaders, the best leaders - and people of true influence, see themselves as servants of those they have been privileged to lead first and foremost.