eliminating procrastination

What is procrastination keeping you from accomplishing?

What is procrastination keeping you from accomplishing?

Do you know what all successful people have in common?

They are decisive.

They trust their intuition and do what they need to do when they need to do it.

If procrastination is holding you back from becoming more decisive (and subsequently more successful), then don't think about it any longer. Click the button at the bottom of the blog and sign up for our Eliminating Procrastination course.

The reason why songs often get stuck in your head…

The reason why songs often get stuck in your head…

Have you ever wondered why the most annoying songs get stuck in your head?

Or why do unfinished tasks circle and circle in your mind causing stress?

Or, how about -- why, when you hear the notes for "Shave and a haircut," -- do you instantly want to sing "two bits"?

Would you believe it if I told you these questions all had the same answer? I'll give it to you in a second -- but first, let me tell you why this matters.

No more excuses...

No more excuses...

Do you know what all successful people have in common? They are decisive. They trust their intuition and do what they need to do when they need to do it.

If your intuition tells you that you need to join us for our Eliminating Procrastination webinar, then don't think about it any longer. Just click the button at the bottom of the email and commit.

How often do you procrastinate?

How often do you procrastinate?

Are you a go-getter or a procrastinator?

From fear to stress, there are many reasons people procrastinate. While putting off unimportant jobs can be harmless, chronic procrastination can negatively impact your quality of life, relationships, and career outlook.

From creating deadlines for our to-do list tasks to learning how to be more accountable, there are many options for correcting the behaviors associated with procrastination.

Is your TO-DO list growing?

Is your TO-DO list growing?

Is your to-do list growing?

  • Are you overwhelmed with all of the balls you are trying to juggle?

  • Are you struggling to keep a balance between what needs to be done in your home-life and work-life?

  • Do you feel stuck and frustrated by a to-do list that never stops growing

You are not alone.

Many of the leaders I coach and interact with feel just like you feel. Many people feel this way for good reasons -- a drive to achieve and a desire for excellence.