executive coach

This Question Could Change Your Life

This Question Could Change Your Life

One profound question can change everything.


In our coaching practice, we love to leverage the power of great questions because questions draw out the answers we are looking for along our journey. 


In John Maxwell’s book, “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions,” Maxwell makes this assertion: 


“Life is a journey, one in which we seek to find our way and make a difference. Questions help us to make that journey. In fact, the word question is derived from the Latin root word quaerere meaning “ask” or “seek.” It has the same root as the word quest.” 

The #1 Most Powerful Principle In Changing the Influence of Leaders

The #1 Most Powerful Principle In Changing the Influence of Leaders

Are you a person who desires to truly help others?

Do you have a passion to add value to those around you -- and especially those who you lead?

Perhaps the greatest benefit you can add to them is to believe in them -- and encourage them into who they are becoming.