
3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

3 ways to naturally become happier ☀️

We all want to become happier. 


Don't believe me? 


A record 352 billion dollars is forecasted to be spent this year alone on advertising. Knowing this, consider all of the advertisements you see daily for products, vacations, relationships, careers, investments, and other means of pleasure, contentment, and happiness. 


If your feed looks like my feed, you'll find a lot of paths to happiness through the marketing coming at you!


But what if the true path to happiness was much more straightforward – more scientific and biological even?  

How to find motivation, when you're feeling unmotivated. 🚶

How to find motivation, when you're feeling unmotivated. 🚶

What happens when you need to be motivated but can't find the power to get up and get going


What happens when it's just a struggle to find the want to be motivated? 


Some of us find this especially true when it comes to personal growth. 


We all have seasons where we are more or less motivated to take the action we need to take. 

This Question Could Change Your Life

This Question Could Change Your Life

One profound question can change everything.


In our coaching practice, we love to leverage the power of great questions because questions draw out the answers we are looking for along our journey. 


In John Maxwell’s book, “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions,” Maxwell makes this assertion: 


“Life is a journey, one in which we seek to find our way and make a difference. Questions help us to make that journey. In fact, the word question is derived from the Latin root word quaerere meaning “ask” or “seek.” It has the same root as the word quest.” 

Feeling stuck stinks. Here’s one way to get unstuck…

Feeling stuck stinks. Here’s one way to get unstuck…

Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever been locked in a dull rhythm or circumstance where you couldn’t find your way out? 


I know I have.  


I remember going through a season where I knew I needed a change but didn’t know what that change was. I remember feeling like I was going through the motions daily while slowly dying on the inside. That season was painful – and one that I won’t ever forget.


I’ve said it before – stuck stinks. So if you’re feeling stuck today, I empathize with you. 

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” -John Maxwell

When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone?

I stepped outside of my comfort zone by hosting my first ever webinar yesterday. And you know what? Every time I make a decision to push myself outside my comfort zone to grow, I ALWAYS come away from those experiences so grateful that I stretched myself!

What will you do with your one and only life?

What will you do with your one and only life?

If I asked you to define your purpose, could you do it?

Let me say this clearly: Your life (and my life) has deep meaning and significance. You have a purpose.

However, many people lack the clarity they need to move toward their purpose, causing missteps, misdirection, confusion, frustration, and a lack of feeling fulfilled in life.

Have you ever felt a lack of fulfillment?

Overcoming Failure (Part 2)

Overcoming Failure (Part 2)

Napoleon Hill once wrote, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”  Failure can be a wonderful gift of opportunity to grow in character (patience, humility, appropriate grounded-ness, wisdom) and become more resilient.  

But how do we do that?