
What makes bad habits so hard to break?

What makes bad habits so hard to break?

I'm guessing that you have a habit (if not several) that you would love to break up with permanently. But how?

Why does it feel so impossible to dump bad habits?

Why is it that we can stop for a little while, and then the habit creeps back in and regains a foothold?

Well, the short answer is that…

How to take control when everything seems out of control 💪

How to take control when everything seems out of control 💪

Instead of fixating on the things we can’t control, let’s FOCUS ON what we CAN control.  Science has taught us that our brains were designed to be able to focus -- and we are the most positive and productive when we choose to focus on the right things.

Overcoming Failure (Part 2)

Overcoming Failure (Part 2)

Napoleon Hill once wrote, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”  Failure can be a wonderful gift of opportunity to grow in character (patience, humility, appropriate grounded-ness, wisdom) and become more resilient.  

But how do we do that?

Today's big question: How do you overcome failure and disappointment?

Today's big question: How do you overcome failure and disappointment?

If you are like me, you are no stranger to failure and disappointment. In fact, it was traveling through a season of personal failure and disappointment that served as the primary catalyst for launching my coaching business.