Is it time for an upgrade?
If you don't like where you're going, change!
Have you ever felt stuck?
According to, the word “stuck” describes something frozen or fixed in one place and can't be moved.
"Stuck" is that feeling you get when you're unable to gain traction. It's a paralysis of progress -- and many of us experience it from time to time. And this feeling keeps us from developing into our full potential, robs us of opportunities, and steals our joy.
I've said it before -- and I'll repeat it—stuck stinks.
Are anxiety and fear holding you back?
Are anxiety and fear holding you back from reaching your true potential? They may be — more than you think!
Fear is something I've struggled with my whole life. It has robbed me of much joy and many opportunities. But fear doesn't have to get the last word -- even if it's in our wiring.
Did you know that the average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day — and of those thoughts, 80% are negative — and 95% of those are repetitive?
Why is that?
Are you frustrated and about to quit? 😤
What I wish I could go back in time to tell myself...
If you had a time machine, what would you go back and tell yourself?
I’ve been thinking a whole lot about what I’d go back and tell myself if I had the chance.
As I wrote about before, reflection is a vitally important exercise (and it is a must for anyone truly looking to grow into their potential) because certain wisdom comes only from a hindsight perspective.
Think of how much the world has changed just in the past 12 months. If I could have a conversation with you from 12 months ago, I’ll bet you would affirm that time with family is to be treasured, health is a gift, and the world can change in a moment!
Why you don't need to be a prisoner to your emotions.
How to transition when change is necessary...
Are you in a season of transition? Are you feeling the pain of having to let go of something particularly meaningful to you?
Transitions can be painful and difficult to walk through.
However, change is a necessary part of life -- and you can transition well.
As I walk through one particular transition in my own life, I'm learning about the critical components of transitioning well.
Perhaps this set of transition tips can help you as you walk through a transition in your life as well.
Check out this short video below.