
4 Questions to Help You Conquer Fear

4 Questions to Help You Conquer Fear

Do you struggle with fear?

When decisions need to be made -- or when an opportunity comes, does fear become a primary influence?

As a person who has struggled with fear for most of my life, I can tell you that fear can be a crippler of dreams, a limiter of potential, and a robber of opportunities.

Are anxiety and fear holding you back?

Are anxiety and fear holding you back?

Are anxiety and fear holding you back from reaching your true potential? They may be — more than you think!

Fear is something I've struggled with my whole life. It has robbed me of much joy and many opportunities. But fear doesn't have to get the last word -- even if it's in our wiring.

Did you know that the average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day — and of those thoughts, 80% are negative — and 95% of those are repetitive?

Why is that?

Why you should NOT worry about the future

Why you should NOT worry about the future

Can you imagine how you would react if six months before the Covid-19 pandemic someone told you that schools across our country would shut down, churches would be closed to worship, and the economy would grind to a halt?

How would you feel if you knew people would be confined indoors for long stretches, hospitals would have to prioritize who they can treat, masks would be required to go into public spaces, there would be a shortage of coins, and the "tiger king" would become an instant celebrity?

And, all of this would be due to a virus!

You would probably be like, "Yeah. That sounds like the storyline of a good science fiction movie like I Am Legend, but it won't happen in the real world."