You're happier when...

Everyone wants to be happier. I believe this to my core, yet sometimes we are unsure how to become happier. 


Becoming happier doesn't have to be complicated. 

The science behind happiness shows us that you're happier when you make choices that promote the release of the brain's "happy chemicals."


These chemicals are endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.

Here's a summary of what we've learned about the brain's "happy chemicals" and a dozen science-based and actionable steps you can take to become happier TODAY.  (*And if you click on the chemical name, you'll link to a blog post we've created going into deeper detail for each chemical*)


Endorphins: Generates happiness from masking physical pain.

  • Participate in aerobic exercise

  • Have a good laugh


Dopamine: Generates happiness from the feeling of accomplishment. 

  • Cross something off of your to-do list

  • Do a relaxing activity

  • Eat foods that are rich in magnesium and tyrosine

  • Get plenty of sleep


Serotonin: Generates happiness from being liked and respected.

  • Complete a goal that you've made public

  • Do a workout (if you can)

  • Get some sunshine


Oxytocin: Generates happiness from love and connection.

  • Hug someone

  • Tell someone how much you care about them

  •  Pet a dog


This world is a difficult place to live at times.  


Even the perfect job can create stress and struggle. The most satisfying relationships can have tension and turmoil. Sometimes just survival in a long and challenging season can be difficult and, at times, depressing. 


However, even in such instances, you possess the freedom of choice.

You can always take steps to become happier -- no. matter. what.

Even when life seems the most out of control, you can choose to do something that gets one of the "happiness chemicals" flowing -- and become happier! 


This list is a great place to start.


Listen, building your life around activities that release these chemicals will literally change your life.  How do I know?  Because I build these activities in my own life.  I literally just returned from taking my Merrick (my German Shepherd) for a walk on a sunny Friday morning, and it made me feel so...well...happy! 

Here's to a happier you.

Bill Cox

Bill is a credentialed and experienced Executive Coach. He has spent the last 20 years coaching thousands of leaders. Bill has a passion for helping leaders get to the next level and live intentional lives of influence. As a speaker, coach, and author, Bill places exceptional value on empowering leaders to thrive professionally and personally. Bill and his wife, Moey, reside in Pennsylvania, where they experience exceeding pleasure watching their son, Joel, grow into a modern-day knight.