How to deal with difficult people.
Do you lead any extra-challenging people?
Is their negative attitude, poor performance, or lack of cooperation dragging your team into unhealthiness -- or even toxicity?
If so, leader, now is the time to act. Why? Because challenging people have a disproportionate effect on a team. It's true how the old saying goes, one bad apple can spoil the bunch.
But, before you're quick to discard the apple, know you have options.
How to free yourself from unrealistic expectations... 🔓
This Question Could Change Your Life
One profound question can change everything.
In our coaching practice, we love to leverage the power of great questions because questions draw out the answers we are looking for along our journey.
In John Maxwell’s book, “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions,” Maxwell makes this assertion:
“Life is a journey, one in which we seek to find our way and make a difference. Questions help us to make that journey. In fact, the word question is derived from the Latin root word quaerere meaning “ask” or “seek.” It has the same root as the word quest.”
3 Powerful Principles To Outshine in Customer Service🌟
3 Key Principles to Crush 2023
We're five days into 2023 -- how are your resolutions coming?
We sincerely hope that your year is off to a great start -- and that this year will be full of growth, success, and truly living the legacy you hope to one day leave behind.
One of the gifts of starting a new year -- is the opportunity to reflect, regroup and restart the growth process once again.
A free gift to help you start 2023 right!🌲
We’re in the final countdown to 2023. Can you believe it?
Now is the perfect time to do some reflection. In fact, for 2,000+ years now, people have used this time of the year for reflecting back and looking ahead.
Fun Fact: Did you know that January was named for the ancient Roman mythological god of beginnings and transitions, Janus. He is depicted as having two faces — one that looks backward and one that looks ahead. The ancient Romans believed that Janus symbolically looked back into the previous year and forward into the future. So when Julius Caesar established the Julian Calendar in 46 BC, he named January 1 as the beginning of the new year in celebration of Janus and what he symbolically represented. And to this day, we celebrate January 1 as New Year’s Day.
A powerful secret weapon for positively impacting others
How do you help someone know that you value them and want to encourage them?
What is your go-to method for positively impacting someone?
Chances are, you do this in ways others have encouraged and positively impacted you. Perhaps it’s through a conversation (one-on-one time), a note (email or handwritten), or a gift (a small token of appreciation).
All of the above examples are good ways to recognize and appreciate someone – and truthfully, they are ways that I appreciate people weekly.
However, there is one way to positively impact and encourage someone that is even more significant. And – it’s something you can do every day!
What is it?
Feeling stuck stinks. Here’s one way to get unstuck…
Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever been locked in a dull rhythm or circumstance where you couldn’t find your way out?
I know I have.
I remember going through a season where I knew I needed a change but didn’t know what that change was. I remember feeling like I was going through the motions daily while slowly dying on the inside. That season was painful – and one that I won’t ever forget.
I’ve said it before – stuck stinks. So if you’re feeling stuck today, I empathize with you.
The Toxic Effects of Stress at Work 😵💫
How stressful is your workplace? How stressed out are you -- especially at work?
Research from the American Institute of Stress cites the following statistics:
Stress causes 57% of US respondents to feel paralyzed.
63% of US workers are ready to quit their job to avoid work-related stress.
Chronic stress is commonplace at work with 94% of workers reporting feeling stress at work.
Those statistics are alarming -- especially given the effects of stress in the workplace.
10 Questions for Positive Self-Reflection 💬
At this time of the year, it's natural to step back and reflect. As you recount the old year and begin counting down to the new year, questions like this naturally arise:
How are things different than they were a year ago?
Am I becoming more of who I want to be?
Is there an area of my life that I am still struggling with?
You may be thinking through some of these questions today.
And it's so easy when your self-reflecting to go negative – especially when the year hasn't gone as planned.
Do These 3 Things If You Want to be Productive and Thrive
Why is it essential for you to create boundaries?
What is the benefit of considering what you create and allow within your organization, home, and relationships?
The answer is simple -- your boundaries create the conditions for yourself (and those around you) to thrive.
As Dr. Henry Cloud says, “a leader’s boundaries…actually make it possible for people’s brains to function as they were designed.”
3 Steps to Become More Grateful
What does it take to become rich?
The ONE Person Who is Ridiculously in Charge ✔
What is procrastination keeping you from accomplishing?
Do you know what all successful people have in common?
They are decisive.
They trust their intuition and do what they need to do when they need to do it.
If procrastination is holding you back from becoming more decisive (and subsequently more successful), then don't think about it any longer. Click the button at the bottom of the blog and sign up for our Eliminating Procrastination course.
You will leave a legacy. The question is, what will it be? ⏳
When did you last consider the legacy you're leaving?
If you've followed me for a while, you know that we talk a lot about legacy in our business. Indeed, the idea of legacy is foundational to everything we do.
At our core, we exist to inspire and equip GREAT people to live a legacy so they can leave a legacy and show the way to the next generation.
We believe that legacy is a big deal because legacy is something that you're constantly creating through how you live your life -- and through how you treat the people around you.
Your legacy is the mark you leave on others and on this world. And that's a pretty big deal.
Is your to-do list over-growing?
How Love Helps Us Forgive and Let Go 🎈
Do you remember the Semisonic song lyrics from a few years ago -- “Closing time, every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”
It’s true.
Every ending is also a new beginning.
We celebrated an ending this past week on the Level Up Your Legacy Podcast as we recorded some final thoughts on the book we’ve been studying all year -- Ryan Holiday’s “Ego Is The Enemy.”
The Greatest Asset in a Leader's Toolbox
"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for someone else." ~Benjamin Franklin
These are wise words from a founding father of our nation.
Franklin understood that we find meaning and purpose through serving others.
Service is one of the greatest, most dignifying gifts you can give another human being. Through service, you silently convey that you care for them, that they matter to you, and that you desire to improve their life.